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Lee Robinson, Ormiston Bolingbroke Academy (Sixth Form)

Photography has always been an interest of mine, I love how you can you can take a picture of anything and turn it into whater you wish. I first became of interest in Photography when I downloaded a photo editing app on my mobile phone, I took various pictures of anything and everything and watched them turn into something else as I edited away at them. Starting College, I decided take action on my interest and choose Photography as one of my courses. My first assignment was my "Urban Textures" photo shoot, since this was my first shoot, I had no idea what types of objects I should photograph, but after an hour or two wondering around, I had a good amount of interesting images which I edited in different ways leading to a handful of good images with a great result. My target Grade for this subject is a C Grade.

Target Grade: C

Current Grade: D

Robinson Photography

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